
Is A Personal Domain Name Important In MLM

Are you serious about making your MLM a success? Are you professional in your MLM? Do you want to maintain professionalism throughout your MLM business?Then you have to get a personal domain name for your MLM website.What does a personal domain name have to do with professionalism for MLM?Any real MLM aimed at providing duplication and success for its distributors will supply them with a company website to capture their leads. The trouble is the domain name, or link, for that website. It's too long and/or complicated.themlmcompanyname.com/yourusernameoryourusername.themlmcompanyname.comSome get even more complicated with /ap/tracking.asp?wlid=7984672 at the end of it.Completely unprofessional, too long for a business card, and impossible to repeat over the phone.If you place this link in an online ad, few people are going to click on it because it looks sketchy. Those people that do click on it Motorcycle Gloves are going to take your personal ID Nail Polish off and look at the main company page. And if they enter their info into that capture page? They get referred to someone in your upline, not you.Using a personal domain name for your MLM site makes your link look like this:yourname.comIt's clean and professional and can't be shortened down to the main company link.Once you have registered your domain name with a company such as GoDaddy (there's others, but this is what I use) you will need to forward your MLM company website link to your new domain name. This is also known as redirecting.Redirecting works just like forwarding your mail at the post office when you move. People will see and click on your personal domain name, and then be redirected to your MLM company page. And they will not have to see that long jumbled link. Don't worry, the registration site will provide step by step advice on how to do this.Trouble coming up with a name? Check my blog:sayhellostephanie.com/choose-a-domain-name

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